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TLC Course Supply Sets 

 Increase each colour's frequency in your life !


***3 Set Full Supplies Bundle below is 30% off with a TLC Course!

Essential Oil Blends

The full set of 8 essential oils related to each colour frequency. Like-minded oils put together to increase or intensify a desired effect. Blended with organic jojoba carrier oil–ready to apply directly onto the skin. Their power is further amplified by only using oils in the same colour frequency. Created by aromatherapists and colour therapy experts.

$127 CAD  (Set of 8)

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Gemstone Bracelets

The full set of 8 bracelets related to each colour frequency. Each gemstone has unique crystalline structure that vibrates at a particular rate which supports and amplifies specific colour frequencies. Wear daily to help align and recharge your energy centers.

$127 CAD  (Set of 8)

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Crystal Light Sprays

The full set of 8 light sprays related to each colour's frequency. These high-powered Spiritual Sprays are made with holy water, essential oils, alchemy flower essences and vibrational frequencies programmed using crystals, sound, colour, planets, sacred geometry and other energies found in nature. The concept behind TLC's high-powered Spiritual Sprays are to remind the body's energy field of it's original "colour" blueprint. Restoring balance to imbalances, in turn our body, mind & spirit can return to a harmonic state.

$127 CAD  (Set of 8)

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Or maybe you just need individuals... 

Essential Oil Blends $18.70 each
Gemstone Bracelets $18.70 each
Crystal Light Sprays $18.70 each

Other fun TLC products:


$27 CAD

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TLC Coaster

$12.70 CAD

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TLC Canvas Tote

$37 CAD

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Christina Thoen's Book

Life... Create Your Own Masterpiece!

The SAME principles of creating a Masterpiece Painting ARE your Life's Masterpiece!

... written after 30 years of painting - and teaching art classes...

THIS is thee INSPIRATION to want to create an amazing life and realize that you TRULY CAN!!!

Read the book on it's own or to compliment your TLC learnings!

$34.70 CAD

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Prepare to be inspired and have your visual sense as well as your heart and mind enticed as Christina Thoen, a seasoned transformational coach, describes how to create the ultimate transformational masterpiece -  your life!   From gathering your materials to the finishing touches, this book is your guide to creating the life of your dreams.  And the best part is you don't need to be an artist to "get it".  She explains how the elements of art and principles of composition used to create stunning artwork can be applied to explore and create a life of true happiness!  The world is your blank canvas and understanding how it all works gives you the freedom to create exactly what you want.  This life is all yours to make the best that only YOU can!

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Essential Oil Blends ($18.70 CAD each)

Red Energy Blend Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang, Vetivert & Cinnamon

Promotes courage and vitality, supporting action and strength

To inspire determination and boldness, ideal for times requiring bravery and initiative

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Orange Energy Blend Essential Oil 

Orange, Lemon Grass & Neroli

Enhances joy, creativity, and positivity

Uplifts spirits, fostering a sense of playfulness, perfect for boosting mood

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Yellow Energy Blend Essential Oil

Grapefruit & Rosemary

Boosts confidence, mental clarity, and positivity

Aids in decision-making and self-assurance, ideal for when confidence needs a lift

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Green Energy Blend Essential Oil

Eucalyptus, Cedarwood & Pine

Nurtures love, harmony, balance, and forgiveness

Harmonizes the heart and mind, perfect for promoting emotional balance, compassion and letting go of past hurts

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Blue Energy Blend Essential Oil

Geranium & Peppermint

Enhances communication, truth, and expression

Supports clear communication and authenticity, aiding in expressing thoughts and feelings with clarity and sincerity

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Indigo Energy Blend Essential Oil

Patchouli, Myrrh, and Frankincense

Stimulates intuition, insight, and awareness

Deepens inner wisdom, ideal for meditation and enhancing intuitive abilities

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Violet Energy Blend Essential Oil

Lavender & Jasmine

Sparks inspiration, imagination, and spiritual growth

Promotes spiritual awareness and creativity, supporting a deeper connection to higher realms and inner visions

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White Light Energy Blend Essential Oil

Bergamot, Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Lavender, Camphor, Frankincense, Petitgrain, Cedarwood, Champa, Rose, Neroli, Sandalwood, Geranium and Rosalina

Cleanses, purifies, and harmonizes the Energy field

Harmonizes the body's energy centers and promoting a sense of spiritual liberation and clarity

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Gemstone Bracelets ($18.70 CAD each)

Red Jasper Gemstone Bracelet

Red Jasper - to increase your Red energy - especially for Grounding, Protection, and Courage.

Use it to anchor yourself to the present moment and enhance your physical vitality.

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Carnelian Gemstone Bracelet

Carnelian - to increase your Orange energy - especially for Joy, Happiness and Humour.

Wear it to ignite your passion for life and enhance your sense of humor.

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Yellow Tiger's Eye Gemstone Bracelet

Yellow Tiger's Eye - to increase your Yellow energy - especially for Focus/Self-Confidence/Optimism.

Use it to overcome self-doubt and manifest your goals with clarity and determination.

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Green Aventurine Gemstone Bracelet

Green Aventurine - to increase your Green energy - especially for Love/ Compassion & Peace.

Wear it to enhance your relationships, foster compassion, harmonize your emotions and release any lingering resentments.

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Sodalite Gemstone Bracelet

Sodalite - to increase your Blue energy - especially for Trust, Loyalty and Communication.

Use it to strengthen relationships and foster trustworthiness.

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Amethyst Gemstone Bracelet

Amethyst - to increase your Indigo energy - especially for Meditation, Intuition, and Empathy.

Wear it to access higher realms of consciousness and gain clarity on life's challenges.

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Clear Quartz Crystal Gemstone Bracelet

Clear Quartz Crystal - to increase Violet energy - especially for Inspiration, Creativity, Higher Wisdom.

Use it to manifest your dreams and embrace spiritual enlightenment.

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Pink Rose Quartz Gemstone Bracelet

Pink Rose Quartz - to increase White Light - espescially for Universal Love, Romance, Divinity.

Wear it to attract love, cultivate compassion, and align with the healing energies of universal love.

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Crystal Light Spray ($18.70 CAD each)

Red Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to increase your Red energy.

This spray enhances feelings of courage and determination, ideal for boosting energy levels and initiating new endeavors.

Use it to inspire boldness and resilience in challenging situations.

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Orange Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to increase your Orange energy.

Energize your surroundings with this spray that evokes joy and playfulness.

Use it to ignite passion and bring a sense of optimism to your surroundings.

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Yellow Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to balance and increase your Yellow energy.

Clear away mental fog and embrace clarity with this spray that promotes confidence.

Use it to brighten your mind and uplift your spirits during times of uncertainty.

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Green Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to balance and increase your Green energy.

Nurture a sense of forgivenes and connection using this spray infused with loving energies.

Use it to cultivate a sense of peace, compassion, and inner harmony.

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Blue Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to balance and increase your Blue energy.

Enhance communication and authenticity with this spray that supports clear expression of thoughts and feelings.

Use it to align with your truth and foster deeper connections with others.

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Indigo Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to increase your Indigo energy.

Deepen your spiritual connection and enhance intuitive abilities with this spray infused with mystical energies.

Use it during meditation or spiritual practices to access higher realms of consciousness.

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Violet Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to increase your Violet energy.

Tap into your creative potential and expand spiritual awareness with this spray that sparks inspiration and imagination.

Use it to inspire your endeavors and deepen your spiritual practice.

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White Light Spray

Spray up and walk into the mist to increase your White energy. 

Cleanse and harmonize your energy with this purifying spray that restores balance and uplifts your spirit.

Use it to purify your surroundings, uplift your spirit, and restore balance to mind, body, and soul.

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"Life is either a daring

adventure or nothing at all."

Helen Keller

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TLC Soul School

213 19th Street West
S7M 5N3
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada

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