Premium TLC Course

Monthly Live Group Coaching with Weekly Lessons

Sorry! 2024 Enrollment for this offer is now closed.

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Are you ready to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery, empowerment, and lasting happiness? 

Your transformational path begins here.

Ignite your journey of self-discovery with this offer. This immersive experience empowers you to explore the profound potential of deep self-listening, unwavering self-trust, and embracing joy as your guiding star.

Let your soul dive into a comprehensive full year of TLC that will align your life seamlessly with your true self. It's time to embrace the power within and unleash your joy.


$797/year of TLC



  • Year-long TLC course - individual & live group learning
  • 8 sessions of "Pamper & Empower" -  group coaching with a group of amazing like-minded souls who also want to create change in their lives - (March - June, September - December)
  • We will meet on the first Monday once a month for "Pamper & Empower" on Mondays (7-9pm - CST- Saskatchewan time zone) live online via Zoom.  All sessions will be recorded to watch, on your own time, in case you can't make it live!
  • Includes coaching, exercises, experiences & connection. 
  • Lessons in Modules - a deep dive & structured learning into all of the Soul Work content. Structured learning with a guided focus on all parts of TLC step by step from the beginning to the end of the course. 
  • Full Lifetime access to the online TLC Course content - available via your member login
  • 8 Months of coaching, exercises & experiences in each month's Soul Work:
    • Red: Courage (March)
    • Orange: Joy (April)
    • Yellow: Confidence (May)
    • Green: Love (June)
    • Blue: Truth (Sept)
    • Indigo: Understanding (Oct)
    • Violet: Inspiration (Nov)
    • White Light: Freedom (December)
  • 1 Month (July)  lessons are deep dive review, integration & catch-up
  • 1 Month (August) lessons on Self-love, Discovery & catch-up 
  • 2 Months (January & February) lessons are deep dive review, integration & catch-up / extra time to focus on all 8 modules
  • Each Module includes transformational content including: Meditations, EFT, Affirmations, Yoga, Journaling, Visualizations, Exercises & other Practices exploring that module’s theme.
  • Dailies (impactful, simple, life-changing exercises/habits)
  • Weekly Weeding “Color Corrections” - changing your vibrational frequency for permanent change. (Weed pulling - getting rid of blocks and limiting beliefs in our subconscious mind from old emotional baggage - with my signature Triple T Method: a powerful & highly effective game changer in your life!)
  • Monthlies (Extra opportunities to integrate each month's Soul Work)
  • Private Facebook group where you can connect with our community and like-minded people from all over the world.
  • Email Content updates & reviews



  • A GREAT opportunity to transform your future to be the best it can be.
  • The confidence you deserve to reach all of your goals.
  • Freedom from fear and guilt.
  • Experience the joy of knowing your purpose.
  • Erase blocks between you and your intuition.
  • Enjoy the ease of a life tuned into your true self.
  • Healing and clearing out old patterns, triggers, fears, and behaviours.
  • Loving who you are and who your soul was born to be.
  • Revealing your true Self, so that you can be completely comfortable and at peace with who you are and what you do.​
  • Learning to Master Peace... and Happiness in your life!  
  • Embodying a TLC life practice of AMAZING habits or tools that will give your soul the power to paint over any colours in your life that aren't shining brightly - so you can be the masterpiece you were born to be.  :)

What You'll Need


All you need to start your TLC is... 

  • Journal (or paper)
  • Crayons (or any other colorful art supplies)
  • Sea salt or Epsom salt
  • Yoga mat
  • Hand mirror
  • Time for yourself
  • A smile on your face as you embark on this transformative journey :)


TLC Supplies


***Highly recommended - Tangible reminders to focus on your learning & increase each colour's frequency in your life each month as a perfect addition to your TLC Course


*30% off when you purchase today, receive all three sets below for: 

$381 CAD plus shipping $267 & includes shipping


Gemstone Bracelets

Each gemstone has a unique crystalline structure that vibrates at a particular rate which supports and amplifies specific colour frequencies.

Wear daily to help align and recharge your energy centers.

$127 CAD $89 (Full set of 8)

Essential Oils

Like-minded oils put together to increase or intensify a desired effect. Blended with organic jojoba carrier oil–ready to apply directly onto the skin.

Their power is further amplified by only using oils in the same colour frequency. Created by aromatherapists and colour therapy experts.

$127 CAD $89 (Full set of 8)

Crystal Light Sprays

These high-powered Spiritual Sprays are made with holy water, essential oils, alchemy flower essences, and vibrational frequencies programmed using crystals, sound, colour, planets, sacred geometry, and other energies found in nature. The concept behind TLC's high-powered Spiritual Sprays are to remind the body's energy field of its original "colour" blueprint. Restoring balance to imbalances, in turn our body, mind & spirit can return to a harmonic state.

$127 CAD $89  (Full set of 8)

Don't miss out on this amazing 30% off discount!

Experience the TLC Difference

Purchase with supplies

Highly recommended!
This discounted price on supplies you'll never see again!

Purchase without supplies


Or choose a payment plan below...


Or choose a payment plan below...

Purchase without supplies

Or choose a payment plan below...

Experience the TLC Difference

Purchase with supplies at 30% off:

Full Payment Discount $1067
3 Monthly Payments of $377


Purchase without supplies:

Full Payment Discount $797
12 Monthly Payments of $77

Still not sure?

​For more information or questions you may have, please feel free to book a consult call with me - I'd love to talk with you about this passion of mine that is changing lives!

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

Mark Twain

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TLC Soul School

213 19th Street West
S7M 5N3
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada

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