$617.00 CAD (Full Payment Discount Price)

Basic TLC Course with Supplies Full Payment

Self-directed learning, perfect for anyone seeking transformation and self-care in their own time.

Includes full TLC supplies: Set of 8 gemstones, essential oils, and light sprays. Highly recommended to enhance & accelerate your learning.

What TLC Students Are Saying:

This past year has been incredible; I feel like I have grown so much, yet that I have so much more to learn. I feel that the tools I have learned are always at hand. Christina thank you, your wisdom, heart and spirit are a gift.

Sandra Zelensky

The past 3 years I've been in TLC have brought a lot of clarify, peace and harmony to my life. I look forward to my continued journey to self-awareness, but also to the heightened awareness to the people around me, their thoughts & ideas.

Lorna Boryski