Our Story

Empowering Change


TLC Soul School was founded by Christina Thoen with a clear mission: to empower individuals who find themselves somewhere along the spectrum of having lost their zest for life... to having experienced life-altering changes and losses.

Our aim is simple—guide people back to their authentic selves, help them transform, find happiness and contentment to embrace the endless possibilities life offers & live each day forward with excitement!

Founder's Story


"Along with being a masterpiece creator, I have been a "dream come true" maker ever since I can ever remember. Before I had ever even seen “The Secret”, three different people told me about it and that it reminded them of me. I love sharing & helping others create a life that they love... 

​There isn’t anything that I find more exciting than inspiring others to see the true potential that they have within themselves."

"The TLC Course is my signature program - a holistic process to learn how a beautiful masterpiece of your life can all come together easily and beautifully. TLC truly creates serious transformation in people’s lives. The idea of starting TLC was sparked when writing my book, “Life… Create Your Own Masterpiece” and has developed over the years, beginning with my need to figure it out in my own life when I was struggling. After sharing it with others, I’ve come to the conclusion that EVERYONE has the capability to create an amazing life, just like everyone is capable of creating amazing masterpieces with the right instruction."

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Lao Tzu

"Life hasn’t been a bowl of cherries for me. Even though you will rarely catch me talking about any of my life's  challenges because I’m so focused on the great things in my life, I suppose a lot of people might say I’ve faced many very challenging life experiences over the years;  my 16 year old brother Kim committing suicide when I was 13 years old (actually he was a really happy guy normally and would fill the room with his smile and his laugh, we don't know the exact reason why, but the autopsy found that he was FULL of drugs so he definitely was not in his sound mind),  losing my best friend since Kindergarten at the time because our house was too “sad” for her (which thankfully 10 years later I had the courage to find out why and we are very good friends again!).

Having 3 different types of Cancer, the latest being breast cancer where my heart and soul said "choose double mastectomy"  literally saving  my life by that one intuitive decision (but unexpectedly still involved the dreaded chemo treatments because the 2nd "healthy" breast was FULL of cancer (another kind again)  - so much that they didn't think they got clear margins and I needed another surgery... crazy... ).  I’ve watched my dad go through one of the most devastating diseases called Lewybody before his voyage to the heavens… and learned that through it all, there is always so much to be thankful for and lessons to learn.

No matter what happens in your life, I believe that how you deal with it and how your life unfolds is all about your perspective. THAT you are always in control of and you always choose! When we realize the gifts and blessings of ALL of our life experiences, we heal, and when we heal, we can thrive. One of the biggest lessons I really needed to learn was how to truly forgive others who had hurt me, and part of my healing journey was learning how to "let go" of past pain and allow my love and light to shine again. When our colours aren't in balance things get muddy - this is when our bodies end up with "dis" "eases" or we find ourselves feeling "not at ease", and different areas of our lives can end up in distress. Finding our white light by healing all of the parts of ourselves that are unbalanced brings true joy, and a life well lived! And one that they love getting up for each morning!"

"The wild thing about why this program is so HUGE for me is that I want so much to share about why getting your colours into balance is SO important.  It was so amazing for me to find out that my lowest colour energy was Red - being low in Red has caused me huge problems with health in my body since Red is in fact your Life force, it's your highest energy source, related to everything in your physical body, literally your Blood and your vitality.  Another wild thing was my girlfriend telling me that after she talked to me one day she was looking at a Crayon box and was thinking that if I was a colour, I'd be the Red crayon one in the box... To everyone else, I'm this spark of Red energy - and yet on the inside, I  was completely being depleted because the Red I spread into the world is huge compared to the balance of me filling it up...  Prior to knowing about being low in Red, I totally took my body for granted & never listened when it was telling me it needed downtime...  You can see how that can become a problem - and I didn't know it - so I didn't know how to change it...  becoming aware is KEY... so this new knowledge transformed my reality.... and my future... "

"I was always able to be truly happy despite the challenges in my life, and I've spent years understanding the pieces of the puzzle in how I was able to do just that!  Throughout the challenges, I continued to have strong faith in God, and kept my brother Jesus close to my heart! I've create the life of my dreams, manifesting so many amazing things into my life that I'm truly humbled to think about: marrying my soul mate over 35 years ago, raising a beautiful family with 3 amazing boys, traveling the world (including remortgaging the house to take a yearlong trip as a family with our boys - then aged 10, 12 and 15), designing and building a lakefront cabin and what others might call our "dream" house, selling so much artwork that the walls in my Gallery always have bare spots, writing a book, creating a business (including an Art School with over 200 year-long students that I absolutely love), etc... I am passionate about helping others heal whatever’s ailing them and find their joy (especially the "crud" you don't know is even there  - where you are low in your colour spectrum - or limiting beliefs and trauma in your subconscious - both were my case, causing me serious health issues).   I can't wait to be a part of your journey in starting to really watch miracles happen in your life!"

And just like my art classes, where I believe "everyone is an artist",  I also believe "everyone is the artist of their own life."   I'm just a catalyst & coach to give you the tools to bring it all out & help you get rid of the baggage that is making your colours muddy,  so your light can shine bright again!   I am passionate about helping you find your own inner strength again, to become your absolute best self who loves your life!  I want to help you find your true passions and your life's purpose which God created you for on this earth!!!  

It has been my pleasure to watch participants in TLC truly transform their lives,  and I know that you can make yours amazing too!!!

Thanks so much for your time - Thank you for considering investing in yourself, and trusting me to help you through the process...

 I'm excited for you to join the TLC classes and be a part of witnessing your life change for the better.... with no regrets...

LOTS  of love, xo Christina :)​

Are you coming with me?


I truly believe that this may be the most important decision you can ever make in your life because you are choosing to invest in yourself.

The TLC Course will give you the space to do your own inner work to truly be happy - raise your vibration, shed limiting beliefs, drop resistance, and literally create a life that you love, and an opportunity to find your life's true purpose...


Enroll in the TLC Course now!

Join Us On Your Journey!

"Everyone is the artist of their own life."

Christina Thoen

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TLC Soul School

213 19th Street West
S7M 5N3
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada

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